Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Friday, 5 October 2012
Spidery black objects on Mars surface raise speculation
Someone alert Ziggy Stardust, there appear to be spiders on Mars.
Strange black objects seen from 200 miles above the surface of Mars are generating interest and speculation that the unidentified objects could be anything from geysers to sunbathing colonies of microorganisms.
NPR presents several photos of the objects, including one taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Jan. 27, 2010, that appears to show "little black flecks dotting the ridges, mostly on the sunny side, like sunbathing spiders sitting in rows."
The objects were first spotted in 1998. Interestingly, they appear when the surface of Mars begins to warm, showing up in the same location most of the time. And then when the Martian winter approaches, they disappear with the same precise regularity. The images have been brought into greater detail by Michael Benson in his book "Planetfall: New Solar System Visions."
Most scientists, including teams from the U.S. Geological Survey, Hungary and the European Space Agency, have their own theories, but the leading explanation is that the objects are geysers of CO2 exploding from underneath the planet's surface.
"If you were there, you'd be standing on a slab of carbon dioxide ice," Phil Christensen of Arizona State University told NPR. "All around you, roaring jets of carbon dioxide gas are throwing sand and dust a couple hundred feet into the air. The ground below would be rumbling. You'd feel it in your space boots."
And while the geyser theory is the most popular explanation, it has yet to be verified.
In the meantime, there are some interesting alternative theories, including one from a group of Hungarian scientists, who have speculated that the objects are actually colonies of photosynthetic Martian microorganisms that emerge each year to sunbathe in the warm weather.
Strange black objects seen from 200 miles above the surface of Mars are generating interest and speculation that the unidentified objects could be anything from geysers to sunbathing colonies of microorganisms.
NPR presents several photos of the objects, including one taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Jan. 27, 2010, that appears to show "little black flecks dotting the ridges, mostly on the sunny side, like sunbathing spiders sitting in rows."
The objects were first spotted in 1998. Interestingly, they appear when the surface of Mars begins to warm, showing up in the same location most of the time. And then when the Martian winter approaches, they disappear with the same precise regularity. The images have been brought into greater detail by Michael Benson in his book "Planetfall: New Solar System Visions."
Most scientists, including teams from the U.S. Geological Survey, Hungary and the European Space Agency, have their own theories, but the leading explanation is that the objects are geysers of CO2 exploding from underneath the planet's surface.
"If you were there, you'd be standing on a slab of carbon dioxide ice," Phil Christensen of Arizona State University told NPR. "All around you, roaring jets of carbon dioxide gas are throwing sand and dust a couple hundred feet into the air. The ground below would be rumbling. You'd feel it in your space boots."
And while the geyser theory is the most popular explanation, it has yet to be verified.
In the meantime, there are some interesting alternative theories, including one from a group of Hungarian scientists, who have speculated that the objects are actually colonies of photosynthetic Martian microorganisms that emerge each year to sunbathe in the warm weather.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Kwa mara ya kwanza jana zaidi ya simu milioni moja za bandia nchini ziligeuka ‘makopo’ baada ya kuzimwa na tume ya mawasiliano nchini, CCK.
Kaimu mkurugenzi mkuu wa CCK Francis Wangusi alisema Airtel imeziondolea mawasiliano simu 740,000, Safaricom 680,000, wakati mtandao wa Orange ukizipiga chini simu 75,000.
Pia serikali imesema ina mpango wa kuondoa kodi kwenye simu ili kuzifanya simu halali ziweze kuwa na bei nafuu ambazo wananchi wa Kenya watazimudu.
CCK imesema idadi ya simu bandia inaweza kuwa chini ya milioni 2.5 tofauti na ilivyokuwa imekadiria mwanzo na kuongeza kuwa wananchi wengi nchini walikuwa wameshanunua simu halali.
“Wale ambao simu zao bado zinafanya kazi na ni bandia wasisherehekee kwasababu nazo zitazimwa na ni kwa maslahi ya nchi hii,” alisema Wangusi.
Kaimu mkurugenzi mkuu wa CCK Francis Wangusi alisema Airtel imeziondolea mawasiliano simu 740,000, Safaricom 680,000, wakati mtandao wa Orange ukizipiga chini simu 75,000.
Pia serikali imesema ina mpango wa kuondoa kodi kwenye simu ili kuzifanya simu halali ziweze kuwa na bei nafuu ambazo wananchi wa Kenya watazimudu.
CCK imesema idadi ya simu bandia inaweza kuwa chini ya milioni 2.5 tofauti na ilivyokuwa imekadiria mwanzo na kuongeza kuwa wananchi wengi nchini walikuwa wameshanunua simu halali.
“Wale ambao simu zao bado zinafanya kazi na ni bandia wasisherehekee kwasababu nazo zitazimwa na ni kwa maslahi ya nchi hii,” alisema Wangusi.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Hatari ya Al-shaabab Nchini
Shambulio laua mtoto na kujeruhi wengine kanisani
Mtoto mmoja aliuawa papo hapo na wengine zaidi ya 10 wakajeruhiwa kwenye shambulio la guruneti katika Kanisa la St Polycarp ACK, barabara ya Juja, Mtaa wa Eastleigh, Nairobi, Jumapili.
Afisa mmoja wa matibabu katika hospitali ya Radiant, eneo la Mlango Kubwa, alisema mtoto huyo mvulana kwa jina Ian Mario Maina, aliyetimu umri wa miaka tisa Jumamosi, alipelekwa hospitalini akiwa tayari ameaga dunia.
“Alikuwa na majeraha mabaya mikononi, sehemu za tumbo na miguuni,” akasema afisa huyo, na kuomba tusimtaje jina kwa sababu hana ruhusa kuzungumza kwa niaba ya hospitali hiyo.
Biwi la simanzi lilitanda katika hospitali hiyo, huku marafiki wakimliwaza mama ya mtoto huyo, ambaye alilemewa na majonzi kwa kumpoteza mwanawe ghafla.
Watoto wanne waliokuwa na majeraha madogo miguuni na kichwani, na mwanamke aliyepatwa na mshtuko, walipelekwa Guru Nanak, huku saba waliojeruhiwa vibaya wakipelekwa katika hospitali ya Radiant iliyo karibu na kanisa hilo, kabla ya kuhamishwa hadi Kenyatta.
Mkuu wa Polisi eneo la Starehe, Bw Samuel Anampiu, wavamizi katika shambulio hilo lililotokea mwendo wa saa 4.30 asubuhi walitumia bomu la kujitengenezea.
“Maafisa wetu wamekusanya vipande ambavyo vitafanyiwa uchunguzi wa kina,” akasema.
Iliripotiwa kuwa awali wanaume wawili walionekana wakijibizana na walinzi wa kanisa hilo kabla ya kuondoka kwa miguu.
Muumini mmoja wa kanisa hilo, Bi Anne Wanjiru Murage, alisema alisikia mlipuko kisha waumini wakaanza kutawanyika wakielekea mahali kunapokuwa na ibada ya watoto.
“Tuliskia mlipuko mkubwa kisha tukaona vumbi katika jengo ambamo watoto huwa na ibada yao,” akasema Bi Murage, ambaye alipeleka watoto wanne, akiwemo mwanawe, katika hospitali ya Guru Nanak.
Alisema bomu hilo lilitupwa kutoka nje ya kanisa, na kuanguka ndani ya darasa linalotumiwa kwa ibada ya watoto. “Kuna ua ambalo limezunguka kanisa na pia kuna askari wanaokagua kila mtu anayeingia kanisani. Bomu hilo lilirushwa kutoka upande wa nyuma, ambapo kanisa limepakana na maeneo ya makazi,” akasema.
Hali ya taharuki ilitanda katika eneo hilo baada ya wakazi wanaoaminika kuwa Wakristo kutishia kuwatimua wenzao wa Kiislamu.
Vijana hao waliojiunga kwa makundi walishambulia mijengo kadha kwa mawe na kutishia kuichoma moto.
Maafisa wa GSU waliungana na polisi wa kawaida katika kupiga doria mchana mzima ili kudumisha utulivu.
Mbunge wa Starehe, Bi Margaret Wanjiru, alitembelea eneo hilo na kukashifu kitendo hicho, huku akitaka Serikali ichunguze kwa kina kiini na wahusika wa shambulio hilo.
Polisi walikamata watu wanne, ambao walijitambulisha kuwa wanahabari wa shirika la Horn Cable TV.
Kisa hicho kilitokea siku mbili tu baada ya wanajeshi wa KDF, wakishirikiana na wale wa Muungano wa Afrika (Amisom), kuwatimua wanamgambo wa Al-Shabaab kutoka ngome yao ya Kismayu, Somalia. Al-Shabaab wameapa kulipiza kisasi.
Kitengo cha habari cha Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen, vuguvugu la utawala wa Kusini na Kati mwa Somalia, linaloshirikiana na Al-Shabaab, lilitangaza baadaye kuwa KDF ilidhihirisha vita vyao vilikuwa dhidi ya dini ya Kiislamu.
Kupitia mtandao wa 'Twitter’, utawala huo ulilaumu KDF kwa kuendeleza mashambulizi Kismayu licha ya kuwa wanamgambo walikuwa wameondoka.
Walidai kuwa watoto wawili walifariki katika mashambulizi yaliyofanywa usiku wa kuamkia jana.
Maswala ya mashambulizi kutoka kwa kundi la Al-shabaabyanazidi kuongezeka huku Wanajeshi wetu wakipabana na kundi hili kule Somalia tukio hili linasemekana nikama majibu Kundi hili kwa Nchini hii baada ya KDF kuteka mji wa Kisimayu.
Mtoto mmoja aliuawa papo hapo na wengine zaidi ya 10 wakajeruhiwa kwenye shambulio la guruneti katika Kanisa la St Polycarp ACK, barabara ya Juja, Mtaa wa Eastleigh, Nairobi, Jumapili.
Afisa mmoja wa matibabu katika hospitali ya Radiant, eneo la Mlango Kubwa, alisema mtoto huyo mvulana kwa jina Ian Mario Maina, aliyetimu umri wa miaka tisa Jumamosi, alipelekwa hospitalini akiwa tayari ameaga dunia.
“Alikuwa na majeraha mabaya mikononi, sehemu za tumbo na miguuni,” akasema afisa huyo, na kuomba tusimtaje jina kwa sababu hana ruhusa kuzungumza kwa niaba ya hospitali hiyo.
Biwi la simanzi lilitanda katika hospitali hiyo, huku marafiki wakimliwaza mama ya mtoto huyo, ambaye alilemewa na majonzi kwa kumpoteza mwanawe ghafla.
Watoto wanne waliokuwa na majeraha madogo miguuni na kichwani, na mwanamke aliyepatwa na mshtuko, walipelekwa Guru Nanak, huku saba waliojeruhiwa vibaya wakipelekwa katika hospitali ya Radiant iliyo karibu na kanisa hilo, kabla ya kuhamishwa hadi Kenyatta.
Mkuu wa Polisi eneo la Starehe, Bw Samuel Anampiu, wavamizi katika shambulio hilo lililotokea mwendo wa saa 4.30 asubuhi walitumia bomu la kujitengenezea.
“Maafisa wetu wamekusanya vipande ambavyo vitafanyiwa uchunguzi wa kina,” akasema.
Iliripotiwa kuwa awali wanaume wawili walionekana wakijibizana na walinzi wa kanisa hilo kabla ya kuondoka kwa miguu.
Muumini mmoja wa kanisa hilo, Bi Anne Wanjiru Murage, alisema alisikia mlipuko kisha waumini wakaanza kutawanyika wakielekea mahali kunapokuwa na ibada ya watoto.
“Tuliskia mlipuko mkubwa kisha tukaona vumbi katika jengo ambamo watoto huwa na ibada yao,” akasema Bi Murage, ambaye alipeleka watoto wanne, akiwemo mwanawe, katika hospitali ya Guru Nanak.
Alisema bomu hilo lilitupwa kutoka nje ya kanisa, na kuanguka ndani ya darasa linalotumiwa kwa ibada ya watoto. “Kuna ua ambalo limezunguka kanisa na pia kuna askari wanaokagua kila mtu anayeingia kanisani. Bomu hilo lilirushwa kutoka upande wa nyuma, ambapo kanisa limepakana na maeneo ya makazi,” akasema.
Hali ya taharuki ilitanda katika eneo hilo baada ya wakazi wanaoaminika kuwa Wakristo kutishia kuwatimua wenzao wa Kiislamu.
Vijana hao waliojiunga kwa makundi walishambulia mijengo kadha kwa mawe na kutishia kuichoma moto.
Maafisa wa GSU waliungana na polisi wa kawaida katika kupiga doria mchana mzima ili kudumisha utulivu.
Mbunge wa Starehe, Bi Margaret Wanjiru, alitembelea eneo hilo na kukashifu kitendo hicho, huku akitaka Serikali ichunguze kwa kina kiini na wahusika wa shambulio hilo.
Polisi walikamata watu wanne, ambao walijitambulisha kuwa wanahabari wa shirika la Horn Cable TV.
Kisa hicho kilitokea siku mbili tu baada ya wanajeshi wa KDF, wakishirikiana na wale wa Muungano wa Afrika (Amisom), kuwatimua wanamgambo wa Al-Shabaab kutoka ngome yao ya Kismayu, Somalia. Al-Shabaab wameapa kulipiza kisasi.
Kitengo cha habari cha Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen, vuguvugu la utawala wa Kusini na Kati mwa Somalia, linaloshirikiana na Al-Shabaab, lilitangaza baadaye kuwa KDF ilidhihirisha vita vyao vilikuwa dhidi ya dini ya Kiislamu.
Kupitia mtandao wa 'Twitter’, utawala huo ulilaumu KDF kwa kuendeleza mashambulizi Kismayu licha ya kuwa wanamgambo walikuwa wameondoka.
Walidai kuwa watoto wawili walifariki katika mashambulizi yaliyofanywa usiku wa kuamkia jana.
Maswala ya mashambulizi kutoka kwa kundi la Al-shabaabyanazidi kuongezeka huku Wanajeshi wetu wakipabana na kundi hili kule Somalia tukio hili linasemekana nikama majibu Kundi hili kwa Nchini hii baada ya KDF kuteka mji wa Kisimayu.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Download CyberLink YouCam 5.0.1523
Add Dynamic Effects for Video Chats and Webcams
Follow this link to Download
Using a webcam you can reach out to people all over the world and with the aid of a microphone, you can also engage in live conversations. To do it the fun way, you can start using software such as Cyberlink YouCam, designed to enhance your webcam experience with a rich collection of effects, gadgets and avatars.
Cyberlink YouCam serves as a multi-purpose webcam application, since you can it use it to have fun while chatting, but you can also rely on it to create presentations and tutorials or to take your computer to a new level of security, with the aid of the face recognition algorithm.
The installation process of the application takes a fair amount of time, due to the wide range of templates encased in the deployment package. Towards the end of the installation, the application offers the Google Toolbar, but you can decline it if you don’t fancy any third party tools. The main window of the program is simple and stylish; most of the space is dedicated to the webcam image, while the remaining area is reserved for the management of the snapshots and recorded videos. From the adjacent control panel, you can trigger image effects, the presentation designer and other utilities that include face recognition for Windows login and a webcam surveillance application.
The richest and most attractive section is the one that incorporates image effects and avatars. A few quick examples are the confetti elements, 3D virtual objects, animated emoticons, unique frames and the most appealing one, the possibility to transport yourself to virtual locations all over the world (New York, Paris). The fun part aside, Cyberlink YouCam can be of great assistance when creating educational material, such as tutorials. By using PowerPoint files, combined with live captures of your PC screen, you should be able to create outstanding video presentations.
With the aid of the Face Login feature, you no longer need to type usernames and passwords, but instead, you just look at the webcam and the recognition algorithm instantly logs you into your computer, no additional data needed.
All in all, Cyberlink YouCam makes the most of your webcam. You can use it for fun, educational and security purposes and this is what makes it the ultimate webcam software.
Follow this link to Download
Using a webcam you can reach out to people all over the world and with the aid of a microphone, you can also engage in live conversations. To do it the fun way, you can start using software such as Cyberlink YouCam, designed to enhance your webcam experience with a rich collection of effects, gadgets and avatars.
Cyberlink YouCam serves as a multi-purpose webcam application, since you can it use it to have fun while chatting, but you can also rely on it to create presentations and tutorials or to take your computer to a new level of security, with the aid of the face recognition algorithm.
The installation process of the application takes a fair amount of time, due to the wide range of templates encased in the deployment package. Towards the end of the installation, the application offers the Google Toolbar, but you can decline it if you don’t fancy any third party tools. The main window of the program is simple and stylish; most of the space is dedicated to the webcam image, while the remaining area is reserved for the management of the snapshots and recorded videos. From the adjacent control panel, you can trigger image effects, the presentation designer and other utilities that include face recognition for Windows login and a webcam surveillance application.
The richest and most attractive section is the one that incorporates image effects and avatars. A few quick examples are the confetti elements, 3D virtual objects, animated emoticons, unique frames and the most appealing one, the possibility to transport yourself to virtual locations all over the world (New York, Paris). The fun part aside, Cyberlink YouCam can be of great assistance when creating educational material, such as tutorials. By using PowerPoint files, combined with live captures of your PC screen, you should be able to create outstanding video presentations.
With the aid of the Face Login feature, you no longer need to type usernames and passwords, but instead, you just look at the webcam and the recognition algorithm instantly logs you into your computer, no additional data needed.
All in all, Cyberlink YouCam makes the most of your webcam. You can use it for fun, educational and security purposes and this is what makes it the ultimate webcam software.

Friday, 28 September 2012
KDF yateka Kismayu
Jeshi la Kenya kwa ushirikiano na jeshi la Somalia SNA limefanikiwa kuuteka mji wa Kisimayu ambao ulikuwa ngome kuu ya Al Shabaab.
Msemaji wa oparesheni hiyo Kanali Cyrus Oguna amefichua kuwa wanajeshi hao waliuteka mji huo mwendo wa saa nane usiku wa kuamkia leo. Ni juzi tu ambapo duru ziliarifu kuwa kundi la wanamgabo wa kiislamu Hizbul lilijitenga na kundi la Al Shabaab na hivyo kupunguza makali ya kundi hilo. Kutekwa kwa Kisimayu kunajiri siku kadhaa baada ya miji mingine kutekwa ikiwemo Ras Kamboni na Afamdhow ambayo ilikuwa makaazi ya wanamgambo hao. Jeshi la Kenya KDF liliingia nchini Somalia mwezi Oktoba mwaka jana kukabiliana na kundi hilo na kufanikiwa kuwaua mamia ya wafuasi hao. Baada ya Kenya kuwatuma wanajeshi wake nchini Somalia, kulishuhudiwa visa kadhaa vya mashambulizi ya kigaidi na kupelekea vifo vya zaidi ya watu 100.
Waititu charged with hate speech
Waititu charged with hate speech
Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu will spend the night in police cells pending a ruling on his bail application after he was charged with hate speech and incitement in a Nairobi court.
Waititu was charged on Thursday with incitement to violence and hate speech in connection to utterances he made against the Maasai community in Nairobi’s Kayole Estate.
Waititu was charged on Thursday with incitement to violence and hate speech in connection to utterances he made against the Maasai community in Nairobi’s Kayole Estate.
Waititu who is the Water Assistant Minister denied the charges.
The Director of Public Prosecution applied for the MP to be detained in police custody for 48 hours to facilitate completion of investigations which include Waititu recording a statement and having his fingerprints taken.
The magistrate, Paul Biwott directed the MP to be remanded at Kileleshwa police station until Friday 9am when a ruling on his bond application will be delivered.
The MP had on Wednesday moved to court to stop his arrest and detention for incitement after filing an anticipatory bail in court, but the High Court declined his request.
The Director of Public Prosecution applied for the MP to be detained in police custody for 48 hours to facilitate completion of investigations which include Waititu recording a statement and having his fingerprints taken.
The magistrate, Paul Biwott directed the MP to be remanded at Kileleshwa police station until Friday 9am when a ruling on his bond application will be delivered.
The MP had on Wednesday moved to court to stop his arrest and detention for incitement after filing an anticipatory bail in court, but the High Court declined his request.
Na amini Hii itakuwafunzo kwa wale wapenzi wa kuongea Maneno yanaoweza kuzua Ghasia Nchini.
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